Picture of Las Vegas Bear Poppy (in Bloom) behind designated closed area.

Picture of Las Vegas Bear Poppy (in Bloom) behind designated closed area.
Some people have expressed the opinion that the BLM put up a barrier to protect LV Bear Poppy, that don't exist. This pic was taken shortly after the barrier was originally installed. Before people started totally disregarding it, and going around it. Straight through the cryptobiotic crust.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Shameful Behavior in Gold Butte, NV and offroadinghome.blogspot.com 's Silence - Could They Be Related?

Off Roading Home is ignoring my posts to their Blog, so I decided to start my own. What could they be afraid of? If they can't take the heat, maybe it's time for some Snowbirds to get outta the Desert, and migrate somewhere else.

Over the weekend, I will be posting some photos of the ridiculous damages done to the many cultural and biological sites in Gold Butte done by irresponsible users. I will also be posting photos of responsible recreation practices. I'll begin correcting the misinformation provided on offroadinghome.blogspot.com and start providing factual information on the treasures of the Mojave, desert ecology and restoration techniques, volunteer opportunities, and eventually providing maps that show the hundreds of miles of designated routes(still open in Gold Butte) as well as the route closures(which comprise a small fraction of the area). And much, much more....

I am also more than happy to answer any questions that I can, and point people in the right directions for information sources, so we can protect this fragile habitat.


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